The WPP-PPS network brings together people who are interested in wild pollinators, concerned about their resilience and survival, and motivated to help.
We seek to raise awareness, share information and resources, offer learning opportunites and events, support pollinator habitat protection & creation, and encourage appropriate, responsible action.
Learn more Join us
"To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee..."- Emily Dickinson -
Online workshop presented by the Guelph Arboretum Guest Instructor: Robert Pavlis Vermicomposting is a way of using earth worms to compost organic material. One ...
- READ MORE -Ottawa Horticultural Society presentation by Mary Crawford, Master Gardener This presentation will provide a very interesting overview of what Mary Crawford ...
- READ MORE -A Canadian Wildlife Federation rights-of-way webinar Join us to hear about this unique pollinator habitat project established on an old landfill in Guelph. ...
- READ MORE -Presented by Ritchie Feed and Seed Learn the basics of garden design by considering biodiversity. In this presentation, you will learn key design basics and how to ...
- READ MORE -by Christine Edmonds The boulevard garden is located on a busy corner which was torn up when infrastructure upgrades happened 6 years ago. The soil is sandy loam ...
- READ MORE -by Amanda Carrigan (text and photos) The Alcove Garden space at Kitchissippi United Church (KUC) was originally pavement. In 2014, KUC members, Ecology Ottawa, and ...
- READ MORE -by Sandy Garland The gardens along Bank Street in Old Ottawa South started as a traffic-calming measure. The three rain gardens on Sunnyside were a pilot project ...
- READ MORE -by Bert Erickson On July 20th, we visited the habitat demonstration gardens that surround the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s Kanata office. Created in 2001, they are ...