One of the main goals of the Wild Pollinator Partners network is

to increase the area, connectivity, and quality of biodiverse pollinator habitats and ecosystems in Ottawa and the Ottawa region by promoting and integrating native plants

In other words, plant more native plants everywhere! We try to keep track of progress toward this goal by mapping pollinator habitat in parks, rights-of-way, schools, churches, roadsides, and private gardens.

To include your garden, community, school, or other pollinator garden or habitat on our map, please send us its title, location, photograph, and a brief description –

Thanks for helping to save our pollinators and natural ecosystems!

Abbotsford gardens

Behind Abbotsford Seniors' Centre, 950 Bank Street Show on Map

Volunteer Carol MacLeod takes care of pollinator beds on the Monk Street side of this seniors’ centre in the Glebe.

Allbirch Pollinator Garden

Allbirch Road, Constance Bay Show on Map

A “food forest” combining fruit and nut trees and shrubs with the perennials, like goldenrods, that pollinators love

Hank and Vera Jones have tuned the front garden of their half-acre lot into a pollinator garden. In addition to perennials, it contains many fruit and nut trees. Their backyard is CWF-certified wildlife habitat. They also grow vegetables and salad greens in portable tables and enjoy foraging produce from the trees.

Hank recalls: “Launched in 2008, the APG started by “rewilding” the site – letting what was already there show its face; over a hundred plants did so. Ottawa By-Law did not approve. We spent the first year arguing that the city was already asking for such places, but their rules contradicted. We were finally vindicated. However, this contradiction has emerged repeatedly for others in the region seeking the same emancipation – victoriously in every case as I can recall.

“Advice: allow meadow patches to emerge and expand simply by progressively mowing less and less area until only pathways remain. This way, you will not attract the lightning, I expect.”

Facebook page

Almonte pollinator garden

155 High Street, Almonte, Ontario Show on Map

Established in 1992 by the Almonte & District Horticultural Society, this garden has evolved over the years from the original nine inner flower beds to include a large berm alongside High St. and two smaller berms as well as one raised wooden bed.

In recent years, many new pollinator plants have been introduced in the gardens such as Asclepias, Verbena bonariensis, various coloured coneflowers, many alliums and aster varieties, and mulleins.

At the 100th anniversary (1921-2021) celebration of the A&DHS, a metal work of art was placed in the center of our garden entitled Anthophilia – the love of flowers – by both human visitors and our pollinating insects!

Learn more here

AVCA – Grasshopper Hill Park

Grasshopper Hill Park, Kilborn Avenue Show on Map

In Alta Vista, a group of volunteers led by Michelle St-Germain is battling Dog-strangling Vine in 5 areas and replacing it with native wildflowers, often grown by those volunteers. This patch is one of three in Grasshopper Hill Park.

Please see Dog-strangling Vine management project for more information.

AVCA – Pleasant Park at Lynda Lane

Pleasant Park at Lynda Lane Show on Map

In Alta Vista, a group of volunteers led by Michelle St-Germain is battling Dog-strangling Vine (DSV) in 5 areas and replacing it with native wildflowers, often grown by those volunteers. This pollinator patch is on Pleasant Park Road at the corner of Lynda Lane. The photo at the left was taken in 2023, after volunteers had removed hundreds of DSV plants.

Please see Dog-strangling Vine management project for more information.

AVCA – Wren’s Way at Wesmar

Wren's Way Park at Wesmar Show on Map

In Alta Vista, a group of volunteers led by Michelle St-Germain is battling Dog-strangling Vine in 5 areas and replacing it with native wildflowers, often grown by those volunteers. This patch is in Wren’s Way Park at the end of Wesmar Drive.

Please see Dog-strangling Vine management project for more information.

AVCA – Wren’s Way on Amberdale

Wren's Way on Amberdale Show on Map

In Alta Vista, a group of volunteers led by Michelle St-Germain is battling Dog-strangling Vine in 5 areas and replacing it with native wildflowers, often grown by those volunteers. This patch is in Wren’s Way Park near Amberdale.

Please see Dog-strangling Vine management project for more information.

Beaux Arbres Native Plants

29 Ragged Chute Road, Bristol, Quebec (4.5 km north of Highway 148) Show on Map

The native plant demonstration gardens at Beaux Arbres are alive with a wide variety of flowers and pollinators throughout the season. See over ten different types of plantings in diverse sites, including a woodland garden, rock garden, willow grove, dye garden, prairie meadow, and more.

Web siteDemonstration gardens

Bee Spot

Hampton Park, north entrance Show on Map

The Bee Spot opened in June 2023. Located in an Ottawa park, this 2-m2 demonstration garden includes about 50 plants, all native wildflower species. The garden shows others what they can grow in their own gardens, provides food and habitat for pollinating insects and birds, seeds for the future, and reduces unwanted plant species. All plants were grown from seed by Nepean High School ecology students, who also helped prepare the area and plant.

It also acts as a focal point for activities and events that highlight the need to protect and conserve all types and sizes of ecosystems.

See blog post about this project for details.

Contact person: Sharon Boddy:

Brenda’s pollinator garden


Scott Street, Ottawa Show on Map

As Brenda MacKenzie describes it, “My crazy garden is an ordinary urban lot. I have Joe-Pye Weed, three kinds of milkweed, wild irises, native Cardinal Flower, echinacea, Beebalm, and old-fashioned tall zinnias, all of which attract bees and butterflies. The bees in the yard are pretty clearly some variety of carpenter bee. There are other species too, but there are hundreds of carpenter bees. Our neighbour had to cut down a large dying maple and had a lot of the wood stacked in his yard. This may be providing the habitat for the wild bees.

“We have included more native plants in recent years, installed a disappearing stream, have been using no pesticides, and have composted avidly for 30 years. The results were not instant, but we have all manner of visitors — bees, songbirds, dragonflies, and butterflies, including red and white admirals, black swallowtails, and monarchs. All of these come and go depending on what is blooming.”

Brewer Pond

Brewer Pond, Old Ottawa South, Ottawa Show on Map

In 2015, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority had an opportunity to open up Brewer Pond and reconnect it with the Rideau River. Once a series of islands, the pond was created artificially to serve as a swimming beach in the early 1960s. Only a few years later, it was closed permanently to swimming because of water pollution. Almost 30 years later, the local community entered into an agreement with the city to naturalize the area.

The move to reconnect the pond with the river allowed fish, beavers, and turtles to move freely between them. At the same time, extensive planting of native species – wildflowers, shrubs, and trees – occurred all around the pond.

The photo at the right shows the pond in August – filled with white water lilies (a favourite of resident beavers) and blue Pickerel Weed in the foreground. The pond is surrounded by Swamp Milkweed, Monkeyflower, Blue Flag, Jerusalem Artichoke, Meadowsweet, Joe-Pye Weed, and other native wildflowers, Big Bluestem and Indian Grass, as well as sedges, rushes, and numerous non-native species, such as Stinging Nettle. Shrubs include Red Osier Dogwood, Buttonbush, and Highbush Cranberry. Silver Maples, and several species of willows were also planted in 2015.

No planting is required here, but the Enviro Crew of Old Ottawa South attempts to control invasive species, such as Wild Parsnip, Common Burdock, Dog-strangling Vine, Garlic Mustard, Phragmites, and European Buckthorn, and protect the area from too much “traffic.”


Brewer Pond butterfly meadow

100 Brewer Way, Ottawa Show on Map

At Brewer Pond, the butterfly meadow began as an experiment to find plants that can compete with Dog-strangling Vine. We knew goldenrods and Purple-flowering Raspberry could do that, but we’ve added asters, hyssop, yarrow, and bergamot in the sunny field that used to be a parking lot. In the shade, we’re trying White Snakeroot, Zigzag Goldenrod, Giant Yellow Hyssop, and Ostrich Fern.


Bridge-to-Bridge project

East side of Bronson Avenue between the canal and the Rideau River Show on Map

Residents of Old Ottawa South are turning a strip of mowed grass into an urban meadow and forest filled with a diversity of trees, shrubs, grasses, and flowers that support pollinators and other beneficial insects.

See blog post: Bridge-to-bridge community reforestation project

Brighton mini-meadows

Brighton Beach Park Show on Map

Inspired by the micro-forest idea and an aim to increase biodiversity in our parks, the Enviro Crew of Old Ottawa South designed and planted 2 mini-meadows at Brighton Beach Park.

They chose a variety of common local wildflowers and shrubs, planting them in clusters. They added a generous number of rocks, logs, and stumps to create microclimates for the plants, then topped it all with mulch to hold in water.


See blog post: Brighton Beach Park mini-meadows


Canadian Wildlife Federation

350 Michael Cowpland Drive, Kanata Show on Map

The CWF includes a pollinator bed among its many demonstration gardens, complete with a plant list. An interactive map on its web site allows you to click on each plant for photos and more information.

Web site

Blog post: The trials, tribulations, and joys in running a demonstration garden

Canadian Wildlife Federation Monarch recovery project 1

Christie Lake Road, Lanark County Show on Map

The Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF), in partnership with the National Capital Commission, Hydro One, and Lanark County, is testing whether the creation of native meadows along roadsides and rights‐of‐way can successfully control Wild Parsnip, while restoring Monarch butterfly habitat and reducing management costs.

Right‐of‐way corridors that are restored for Monarch butterflies will be used as a nursery for caterpillars, fuel for the long journey of the adults, and rest stops along the way. They will also be beautiful sites to behold for Monarch lovers across the province.

Press release

Canadian Wildlife Federation Monarch recovery project 2

Fallbrook Road, Lanark County Show on Map

Second CWF test site

Canadian Wildlife Federation Monarch recovery project 3

Riverside Drive Show on Map

Third CWF test site

Canadian Wildlife Federation Monarch recovery project 4

Greens Creek Show on Map

This CWF test site is between the Sir George Étienne Parkway and the Ottawa River near Green’s Creek. A patch the size of a football field was plowed several times to break up sod, then seeded with a mix of wildflowers and grasses: Virginia Wildrye (Elymus virginicus), Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardi), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans); Joe-Pye Weed (Eupatorium maculatum), Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale), Evening-primrose (Oenothera biennis), Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum), and many others; and millet to help support initial growth.

See blog post Creating pollinator habitat from scratch


Champlain Park pollinator garden

Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway at Champlain Park Show on Map

Champlain Park’s pollinator garden is part of a larger plan to rehabilitate a stretch of woodland along the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. The Environment Committee of the Champlain Park Community Association is spearheading this work. They’ve mobilized volunteers to help bring a variety of native plants into the public woodlands and residential area.

As described in the 2020 annual report, “Specific activities related to this project include planting native trees, shrubs and spring ephemeral and summer flowering plants in small, compact areas cleared of non-native invasive vegetation. Funding was provided by local residents and the City of Ottawa Community Environmental Projects Grant Program.”

See blog post: Champlain Woods – bringing native biodiversity into our neighbourhood

Churchill Alternative School

Churchill Alternative School Show on Map

In April 2019, the school council asked Berit Erickson to help creat a butterfly garden at her son’s elementary school, Churchill Alternative School. Each spring, it was enthusiastically planted, but struggled on its own after the student gardeners left for the summer. A low-maintenance, mostly-native perennial garden would be a perfect replacement.

According to Berit, “My first task was to come up with a list of suitable butterfly plants for this sunny, dry location. We needed two kinds: nectar-rich flowers to feed adult butterflies and host plants to feed their caterpillars.” See her blog post:

Down to the nitty gritty: creating the Churchill Alternative School butterfly garden


City Hall pollinator garden

111 Lisgar Street, Ottawa Show on Map

The city’s new pollinator garden is on the Lisgar Street side of City Hall. Forestry contributed “stepping stones” made of slices of ash wood and the garden also features an insect hotel. Photo by Amy MacPherson, June 2019.

This small raised garden on the Lisgar Street side of City Hall was created in 2019 just in time for Pollinator Appreciation Day on June 7.

The following plants were ordered from Ferguson Forest Tree Nursery: Butterfly Weed (12), Blazing Star (14), and Lance-leaved Coreopsis (16). The Fletcher Wildlife Garden contributed New England Aster, Pearly Everlasting, Wild Bergamot, Blue Vervain, Prairie Smoke, Rough Goldenrod, and Common Milkweed. A rose was already growing in the bed along with various grasses. A barrel in the centre contains horticultural varieties, such as petunias, geraniums, and salvia.

A small insect hotel was mounted on the wall at the back of the garden. By 19 July 2019, it was clearly being used.

For more, see blog posts:

Pollinator Appreciation Day in Ottawa
City Hall bee hotel is back in business!
City Hall pollinator garden – year 1 in review


Clyde Bee & Butterfly Patch

Clyde Avenue at Castle Hill Show on Map

Clyde Bee & Butterfly Patch is an effort to make use of a rather inhospitable (for plants) but public space along the shoulder of the road and near an entrance to the multi-use path in Carlington Woods where lots of people pass to take their dogs for walks or just bike or walk themselves.

Goldenrod, asters, and sumac were all growing there already making it quite lovely in the fall but it was not offering any food for pollinators in spring or summer. We started a lot of plants by seed and have gratefully received a few donations. The plants were selected to be suitable for a sunny location with poor, dry soil.  With watering to get them through the hot dry June and July, we have managed to keep most of them going and a few are starting to flower.

The site is landscaped to include habitat structures in the form of logs, tree stumps, an artificial mud puddle and a water dish. There is signage to help explain what the purpose of it is and to identify it.

Anyone is welcome to visit it on their own or contact me, Nora Lee, via

See also, Nora’s photo album Clyde-Carlington Pollinator garden and web site


Corner Pollinator Garden


Fraser at Sherbourne Show on Map

Last spring, Berit Erickson turned a front yard, on a busy urban corner, into a pollinator garden. Because so many people stop by while she is working in the garden, she created a brochure full of great tips and information about what she is doing. Berit kindly shared a copy with us.

Web site:

Brochure: Create your own pollinator garden

Blog post: Plant it and they will come: my corner pollinator garden

Dalhousie South Park

Dalhousie South Park Show on Map

Overcoming shortage of space, a shady location, and miles of “red tape,” the Glebe Annex Community Association established a pollinator garden in Dalhousie South Park on Bell Street. Plants include Zigzag Goldenrod, White Snakeroot, Yellow Giant Hyssop, Honewort, Anise Hyssop, Golden Alexanders, and Virgin’s Bower Clematis.

In July 2021, GACA president Sue Stefko says, “So far, it seems that insects of the chewing kind are enjoying the garden more than insects of the buzzing kind, but we’re starting to see some of the flowers peek out, and we’re hopeful that the plants can grow and get stronger before they are totally devoured.”

Blog post: Pollinator garden at Dalhousie Park – it takes a village

Faith communities (Faith and the Common Good partners)

Show on Map

Faith & the Common Good (FCG) is a national environmental NGO that works with faith and spiritual communities in their efforts to become more “ecological.” The local Ottawa FCG chapter has been promoting sustainable and ecological gardening for the past few years and was thrilled to partner up with Wild Pollinator Partners to support pollinators and add more native plants to the following gardens.

FCG – All Saints Anglican Church

Richmond Road, Westboro, Ottawa Show on Map

All Saints Anglican Church in Westboro designed a shady courtyard garden that has become a community amenity along Richmond Road where many people enjoy sitting on the benches and relaxing by the garden beds. Here, Pearly Everlastings have been added along with Spotted Beebalm and other native flowers.

FCG – Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church

Main Street, Ottawa East Show on Map

Official pollinator garden on site.

FCG – Holy Cross Catholic Church

Walkley Road, Ottawa Show on Map

FCG – Kitchissippi United Church

Island Park Drive, Ottawa Show on Map

FCG – Knox Presbyterian Church

Elgin at Lisgar Show on Map

Added to our downtown pollinator survey in 2019. A courtyard off Elgin Street is a green oasis where shrubs, perennials, and Winston the Groundhog live.

FCG – Orleans United Church

Orléans Boulevard, Orleans, Ottawa Show on Map

Round garden at the side of Orleans United Church

Orleans United Church, on Orleans Blvd close to Bilberry Creek, is situated on an extensive lot with a tree-lined entrance and various garden beds on all sides of the church. Their new biodiversity prayer garden will include Grey-headed Coneflowers, asters, Yarrow, and Golden Alexander, and they have also added some native shade plants to their current beds.

FCG – Sheng Shen Catholic Church

Michael Street, Ottawa Show on Map

Thanksgiving event at Sheng Shen Prayer Garden

Sheng Shen Catholic Church, on Michael Street near St. Laurent mall, wanted to add some pollinator plants to support their community garden and prayer space. Their additions include Wild Bergamot, Yarrow, and Grass-leaved Goldenrod.

FCG – St. Barnabas Anglican/Catholic Church

James Street, Centretown, Ottawa Show on Map

St. Barnabas Church on James Street is a downtown property with some beautiful ornamental garden beds along the sidewalk. It provides lovely colour along a busy city street, and they have now added asters, Black-eyed Susans, Cup-plants, and other natives.

FCG – St. Basil’s Catholic Church

Rex Avenue, Ottawa Show on Map

St. Basil’s parishioners have turned a median in their parking lot into a flower oasis – although not all native plants – and are revitalizing a second spot by the church entrance.

FCG – St. Columba Anglican Church

Sandridge Road, Ottawa Show on Map

Nodding Onions set out to be planted in this sunny area next to St. Columba Anglican Church

St. Columba Anglican Church, on Sandridge Road in Manor Park, is close to the Aviation Parkway and has a large property shaded in the front by maple trees. Heart-leaved Asters and native Columbines have been placed in the shady garden beds.

Volunteers are working toward creating a pollinator meadow.


FCG – St. Luke’s Anglican Church

Somerset Street West, Ottawa Show on Map

FCG – St. Martin’s Anglican Church

Prince Charles Road, Ottawa Show on Map

FCG – St. Matthew’s Anglican Church

First Avenue, Ottawa Show on Map

First Avenue Public School

First Avenue Public School Show on Map

Started in 2019 in planters, but also an “empty” space between the playground and street.

Contact: Catherine Hall (teacher)

Fletcher Wildlife Garden

Prince of Wales Drive just south of the Dominion Arboretum Show on Map

The Fletcher Wildlife Garden is a 6.5-ha natural area featuring several habitats that particularly attract pollinators.

  • Demonstration pollinator gardens in a box (at northeast corner of the Old Field habitat)
  • Butterfly Meadow
  • Backyard Garden (photo below)

Web site

Contact person: Sandy Garland

Flutter and Buzz Pollinator Patch

Stonecrest Park, Barrhaven Show on Map

Flutter and Buzz Pollinator Patch is in a city park next to a playground and Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School. It was started and is maintained by residents in the surrounding neighbourhood, especially Clare and her husband. It provides a learning site for the adjacent school to promote understanding, conservation and appreciation of nature.

In 2019, the garden was doing so well, Clare had Swamp Milkweeds to give away. She traded with the Fletcher Wildlife Garden for some earlier-blooming wildflowers – Prairie Smoke and Tall Cinquefoil – to put in the new bed in the centre of the circular garden.

Contact person: Clare


Forest Garden Friends


Pleasant Park near Alta Vista Show on Map

From Sarah M.L. Walker: Our garden is a food forest, with domesticated edibles intermingled with (sometimes edible to humans) native species. Our property is large and the pollinator plants are distributed throughout.

Each year I try to add new native, pollinator and wildlife-friendly plants. I’m also planning to grow extra native pollinator plants to share with others in my neighbourhood and help them get started on their own pollinator gardens.

I am also part of the Suzuki Foundation’s Butterflyway project, and I’ll be offering tours of the property.

See blog post for more information and photos


Frank Street pollinator beds

Frank Street, between Bank and O'Connor Show on Map

Carlos Murray has been adding pollinator plants to the raised garden beds along Frank Street between Bank and O’Connor in downtown Ottawa. This season he received donations from Nora Lee (Clyde Bee & Butterfly Patch) and the Fletcher Wildlife Garden.

Carlos’s style is to include a variety of grasses – and a few common “weeds” – to create natural structure and support for the native wildflowers.

Next time you’re at Staples, take a minute to check out these evolving street beds.

Frederick Banting Alternative High School

Main Street, Stittsville Show on Map

Started in 2019.

Contact: Janet Perry (teacher)

Friends of Lanark County roadside wildflowers

County Road 12 (Macdonald's Corners Road) between Lanark and Elphin Show on Map

Volunteers remove Wild Parsnip by hand, to save all the other roadside plants for pollinators.

Friends of Lanark County are using the province’s Adopt-a-Road program to prevent roadside spraying of herbicides to control Wild Parsnip. Concerned over the health of native insects and anxious to preserve wildflowers along local roads, this group of “mostly seniors” is manually removing Wild Parsnip and planting native species both purchased and donated.

They are very disturbed by the increase in roadside spraying to deal with invasives and want to reach out and educate others about taking a more cautious and reasoned approach.

For more about this issue, please see

Friends of Petrie Island wildflower garden

Turtle Trail, Petrie Island Show on Map

Throughout the seasons, flowering flora (plants and shrubs) are marked with informational signage that provides details on the species and its ecological, medicinal and edible properties. In May 2018, Petrie Island became a registered Monarch waystation.

Web site

Glebe school garden

Glebe Collegiate Institute, Glebe Avenue, Ottawa Show on Map

This garden was created through a partnership between the Glebe Community Association Parks Committee, Glebe Collegiate’s environmental club, and the Ontario Nature Youth Council. It contains a variety of native perennials and a bee bath.

See news story about the project: Glebe’s abuzz (Glebe Report, August 16, 2018, page 36)

Holy Cross Pollinator Buffet

Holy Cross Catholic School Show on Map

The Holy Cross Pollinator Buffet was created by the Holy Cross Green Team in collaboration with community members from OSEAN. It is a vibrant and biodiverse garden designed to attract and support pollinators.

The garden is laid out in a thoughtful manner, using native plant species, including Wild Bergamot, Black-Eyed Susan, Pearly Everlasting, and many more! These plants were chosen specifically for their ability to provide nectar, pollen, and habitat for pollinators throughout the seasons. It covers a modest area at the front of our school grounds, easily accessible and visible to students and community visitors.

The garden serves as an outdoor classroom, where students learn about ecology, conservation, and the interdependence of plants and pollinators. It also encourages curiosity and respect for the natural world. In summary, our pollinator garden is not just a collection of plants; it is a dynamic ecosystem that supports biodiversity, educates our community and enriches the school environment with beauty and life.

Sonia Rankin, teacher
Lynne Patenaude and Heather Smith, OSEAN members

Just Food Farm

2391 Pepin Court, in the Greenbelt near Blackburn Hamlet Show on Map

“Started in 2012, the Just Food Farm is where people and projects come together to model and inspire small-scale, viable agriculture businesses and initiatives in the Ottawa region.” Weedy fields and edges provide habitat for native pollinators and the farm created a pollinator hotel at a recent workshop.

Web site

Kanata North Pollinator Patch

Hydro corridor at Abbeydale Circle Show on Map

Kanata North Regeneration Stewards have just completed (in September 2023) a new large pollinator patch in the Morgan’s Grant area of the hydro corridor. At more than 100 m2, it is difficult to capture a single image of the garden. Click on image at right for larger view.

The Kanata North Pollinator Patch is currently heavily mulched to protect the seedlings from the heat wave and aggressive perennial weeds.

If you stop by the garden just south of Klondike at Abbeydale Circle anytime soon, you’ll see oats popping up in various places. They serve as a cover/nurse crop for the native wildflower seeds to be sown after the first hard frost.

See KN Regeneration Stewards for more about volunteering.



Lajoie/Jeanne-Mance city planters

Lajoie/Jeanne-Mance city planters Show on Map

This set of 5 planters is maintained by Lynne Zeitouni and Firdaous. This photo, taken in September 2023, shows them bursting with native plants – goldenrods, asters, and milkweeds.

Landscapes of Canada Gardens

Just west of the Canadian Museum of Nature Show on Map

You’ll find Labrador Tea growing in the boreal forest part of this garden.

This outdoor space at the CMN features native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers found in Canada’s boreal forest, Arctic tundra, and prairie grasslands. Although not created for pollinators, the prairie garden, in particular, attracts a number of bees, butterflies, flies, and other insects.

Web site

Lansdowne ethno-botanic and demonstration gardens

East side of the Horticulture Building, Lansdowne Park Show on Map

Raised garden beds next to the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park attract a variety of pollinators. They are intended to be educational demonstration beds designed to highlight food production, Ottawa’s horticultural heritage, and a sampling of other garden experiences that exist in Ottawa. The side benefit of growing both vegetables and flowers is that the garden attracts a large variety of pollinators and birds and demonstrates that a wide diversity of plants can be grown in raised beds.

Library street garden

Ottawa Public Lirary, Sunnyside Branch, 1049 Banks Street Show on Map

Started many years ago by the library’s custodian, this garden is maintained by Green Dreamers, who also take care of a number of street beds on Bank Street in Old Ottawa South.

In 2018, the Dreamers planted a number of native wildflowers including Pearly Everlasting (front of photo), New England Asters, Joe-Pye Weed, bergamot, and others, in the large garden bed between the sidewalk and parking lot next to Sunnyside branch of the Ottawa Public Library.


Lisgar school garden

Lisgar Collegiate Institute, Lisgar Street, Ottawa Show on Map

This garden includes both vegetable and pollinator beds, with a variety of species that are both native to Ontario and pollinator-friendly. It is maintained by student and staff volunteers.

Initially planned to produce local organic food for the school’s culinary program, the students soon realized they had to increase habitat for pollinators. Education is a big component of this project. Participants are learning as it evolves and reaching out to art, photography, biology, and health programs. The Lisgar Environmental Action Force (LEAF) is working toward making Lisgar a “bee school.”


Macoun Marsh Study Area

Southeast corner of Beechwood Cemetery, off St Laurent Blvd Show on Map

This corner of Beechwood Cemetery is often filled with children’s voices as well as the sounds of nature.

Located at the corner of Beechwood Cemetery, this natural area is maintained by volunteers, including many school children, under the leadership of science teacher Michael Léveillé. Many species of wild pollinators have been observed there.

Web site | Facebook page | Species found (iNaturalist)

Maplelawn Historic Garden

529 Richmond Road, Ottawa Show on Map

The 19th-century walled garden at Maplelawn is a national historic site. Its colourful all-season displays of perennials include many pollinator favourites.

Web site


Morgan’s Grant

Hydro corridor on both sides of Brady Avenue Show on Map

The meadow was seeded 5 years ago by Hydro One as part of a community project. It has matured into a sea of native flowers and grasses that feed pollinators and absorb storm water runoff.

Initiated by the Ottawa Stewardship Council (OSC), the Briarbrook and Morgan’s Grant Community Associations, Hydro One, and the City of Ottawa via former councillor Marianne Wilkinson are working to make this part of a hydro corridor into a haven for pollinators. According to an OSC representative, this is a win-win-win situation:

  • The community gets a beautiful green space that is an asset to the neighbourhood, invites people to walk its paths, and provides an opportunity for learning about the environment and connecting with nature.
  • Hydro One gets a corridor that won’t require costly maintenance to keep the land clear beneath the power lines.
  • In place of a corridor filled with invasive species, Nature gets a meadow of native plants for pollinators that supports bees, butterflies, other insects, birds, and humans.

A great model for other communities!

For more about this project

See also: Hydro One’s list of allowable plants in rights-of-way

Photos from August 2022

MTN – École Marius Barbeau

École Marius-Barbeau, Notting Hill Avenue, Ottawa Show on Map

As part of a Monarch Teachers’ Network (MTN) project to establish Monarch Waystations at schools across the city, this garden was started in 2012-13. It’s very small garden, under 200 square feet, but contains water features, a central path, small raised beds in the larger area, many, many colourful flowers, and lots of love.

In January 2019, we were pleased to hear from Katherine Hayashi, a teacher at this school: “I am very proud to say that my school garden at Marius-Barbeau is going strong.  I found caterpillars for the first time last summer.”

Photo journal: École Marius-Barbeau


MTN – Hilson Outdoor Classroom

Hilson Avenue Public School, Hilson Avenue, Ottawa Show on Map

As part of a Monarch Teachers’ Network project to establish Monarch Waystations at schools across the city, this garden was started in 2012-13.

Although this garden started modestly, at less than 200 square feet, it has grown as students and teachers use and appreciate it. In 2018, a teacher who was just learning about gardening and native plants contacted the Fletcher Wildlife Garden, which followed up with a site visit, advice, and the addition of more plants.

The garden is arranged in raised boxes that contain a number of Common Milkweed plants. In 2018, students added Butterfly Weed, Wild Bergamot, Beebalm, Columbine, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, and False Sunflower.

MTN – Mariposa Haven, Pakenham

Pakenham Public School, Pakenham, Ontario Show on Map

As part of a Monarch Teachers’ Network (MTN) project to establish Monarch Waystations at schools across the city, this garden was started in 2012-13.

The garden is a raised bed of about 300 square feet, next to the Pakenham Public School, where it has good drainage and gets a lot of light.

According to the management plan document, “The school has always had a very active gardening community. We are located in the country surrounded by farming families, and students that are very involved and interested in gardening. We currently have 2 gardens at the front of the school, a large garden on the side of the school, and some smaller gardens in the back where the students can rest and enjoy the plants and flowers. Our goal with this funding would be to enhance one of the gardens at the front of the school to its former glory, and use plants that would attract monarchs.”

Photo journal: Pakenham Public School butterfly garden

MTN – Neighbours and Nature Ensemble

Terry Fox Park, Orleans Show on Map

As part of a Monarch Teachers’ Network (MTN) project to establish Monarch Waystations at schools across the city, this garden was started in 2012-13.

Because it’s in a city park, many people were involved and “it was complicated.” The garden is planted in a circle, about 38 feet in diameter for a total of about 300 square feet. Residents, local schools, city staff, and of course teachers from the MTN were all involved in planning, planting, and maintenance. Local schools have been inspired by this garden to create their own garden or waystation.

Photo journal: Neighbours and Nature Ensemble: a community garden project

Blog post: Procedures and suggestions for establishing a waystation in a city park

MTN – Trillium’s Butterfly Hotel

Trillium Elementary School, Varennes Blvd, Orleans Show on Map

As part of a Monarch Teachers’ Network (MTN) project to establish Monarch Waystations at schools across the city, this garden was started in 2012-13. It’s small – about 300 square feet in raised boxes – but was planted with 3 milkweed species plus annual nectar flowers like zinnia, and native perennials like Beebalm and Joe-Pye Weed.

Children in the child care and kindergarten groups helped build and decorate the boxes, plant, and water.

“Our goal for the garden is to not only create a butterfly waystation but to beautify our yard, get our parents and school involved, and have lots of fun doing it.”

The children made a photo journal to remember the beginnings of this garden: The making of Trillium’s Butterfly Hotel: a photo journal

Nandy Heule’s garden


Cameron Ave, Old Ottawa South Show on Map

My front garden is almost 100% native (except for some spring bulbs, some Irises, and this year some non-native sunflowers). I’m moving into natives in the backyard as well. Right now bees are loving my hyssop.

I’ve been a wildflower hobbyist for decades, trying to find the plants in their habitats. The switch to gardening with these plants was a small step for me. Volunteering at Fletcher Wildlife Garden helped as well (think of it as an ongoing  feasibility study!). I set out to build a “habitat.” Sundaura at A Cultivated Art helped me decide to focus on a meadow-type environment.

I’m actually surprised how much I love the look of native plants in a garden. These plants truly belong here. I get a LOT of positive comments from neighbours.


Native plant demonstration garden

Princess Margaret Park, Kinnear Street, Ottawa Show on Map

Created and maintained by volunteers from the Civic Hospital neighbourhood

After the spring tulips fade, plants native to Eastern Ontario dominate the garden in the northeast part of Princess Margriet Park (formerly Fairmont Park). This garden was created to show off the beauty of easy-to-grow native plants. They’re also the kind of plants that attract birds and pollinators.

Native plants are those that occur naturally in a region. They are well adapted to the local climate and will provide a natural habitat for many species of animals and birds. Because of patches of native plants, like this one in Princess Margriet Park, you can expect to see more wildlife in the park. Be on the lookout for birds, insects, and maybe small mammals that will find food, protection, and nesting sites here.

Non-native species, on the other hand, can be invasive and may alter the ecosystem of an area. They are known to crowd out native plants. And local animals, unfamiliar with the foreign plants, don’t recognize these plants for food or shelter.

Pinhey Sand Dunes

Slack Road, east of Woodroffe Show on Map

Biodiversity Conservancy International (BCI) is an Ottawa-based non-profit, which is doing habitat restoration in the Greenbelt. Historically, Pinhey Sand Dunes was a vast open sand dune and meadow habitat until it was planted with pine trees in the 1950s.  BCI is bringing back the open dune habitat to protect the rare species that rely on this environments.

Their focus is on reintroducing pollinator-friendly native species and butterfly host plants interspersed in the sand. Their current plan is to create suitable habitat for the reintroduction of the Mottled Duskywing butterfly to Eastern Ontario in the next few years.

See the blog post about the WPP tour of the dunes: Visiting Pinhey Sand Dunes

Contact: Griffin Wright-Brown
Biodiversity Conservancy International

Rideau Environmental Action League (REAL)

William Street, Smith's Falls, Ontario Show on Map

REAL is developing a demonstration Monarch Garden on the REAL Deal site as a 30th anniversary project. Significant benefits will include:

  • Critical habitat for the at-risk monarch butterflies: milkweed host plants for breeding stage, other colourful native nectar plants for feeding
  • Habitat for other pollinators: other butterfly species, birds, bees, and insects.
  • Visually attraction to human residents and tourists
  • Demonstration of what others can do on their own properties to enhance the local monarch population
  • An ongoing support to monarch populations in coming years
  • Legacy project for REAL’s 30th anniversary

Website: Monarch Garden

August 2020: ‘Extinction is a process:’ REAL plants second butterfly garden to help declining pollinator populations

Contact: Barb Hicks

Rideau Hub

Rideau Community Hub, Saint Laurent Boulevard Show on Map

In 2022, the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library (OWSL) entered into an agreement with the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre (RRCRC) to plant a pollinator strip along the side of the old Rideau High School building. The RRCRC is a community hub and has good OC Transpo access. The centre’s services are for residents of Rideau-Rockcliffe ward, but as with all community centres, the building and grounds are open to the public.

Social Harvest prepared two long garden strips along the former school walls and the Fletcher Wildlife Garden donated plants to fill them.

See blog post: OWSL demonstration beds

Riverview Park Pollinator Garden

Hospital Link Rd, near Riverview Park Show on Map

In October 2022, the Friends of Riverview Park Green Spaces and a group of volunteers planted over 370 pollinator seedlings of 25+ species of sun-loving, mostly native, perennial flowers and grasses in a 6 by 12-m oval garden. The project was funded as part of a 2021 federal Healthy Communities grant. The garden is located on City of Ottawa land that our community association stewards near the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the Ottawa Hospital – General campus. Seeds came from the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library, the Fletcher Wildlife Garden, and some local volunteers and were mostly started under lights.

We were amazed at how well the plants came through their first winter and how full the garden was even in its first year. Lots of pollinators visited flowers from June through October, and birds visited seed heads in the fall. You can find the garden just off the Hospital Link Rd (follow the path from the crosswalk 300 m east of Alta Vista Drive) or park in Riverview Park and follow the path from the end of Knox Cr. near Cluny Street.

See blog post: Riverview Park Pollinator Garden

Selby Plains/Atlantis Pollinator Garden

Selby Avenue at Atlantis, Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway Show on Map

Dave Adams, who takes care of the winter trail along the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway, started a pollinator garden this summer (2020). Removing invasive buckthorn trees was difficult, but the hardy native species and other wildflowers he is planting are flourishing.

This project is sponsored by the Westboro Beach Community Association in consultation with the National Capital Commission.

See blog post: Selby Plains/Atlantis Pollinator Garden: end of season report


Sugar Bush Road pollinator plant pilot project

Sugar Bush Road, Pakenham Show on Map

In May 2019, Scott Sigurdson and his neighbours on Sugar Bush Road near Pakenham, Ontario, set out to restore pollinator habit along 2 km of this country road. They seeded with a legume mix – clover, alfalfa, and vetch. Then added a variety of wildflower seeds later in early summer.

Wild Parsnip is a problem in this area, and the volunteers are pulling it out by hand, as they want to keep the road free of herbicides.

For more information and photos, see the project’s Facebook page.

See our blog post about the project: Roadside pollinator habitat – Sugar Bush Road

Trinity Youth Wildlife Garden

Richardson Side Road, Carp, Ontario Show on Map

Established in 2015, the Trinity Presbyterian pollinator garden in Kanata is home to native plants that provide nectar and pollen to beneficial insects and birds. The church’s youth group was inspired to start the garden and led the design and implementation with the support of the congregation.  The youth group and the congregation maintain this pollinator garden.

Read more about this project


University of Ottawa

Main campus between Waller, Laurier, King Edward, and Marie-Curie Show on Map

The university’s many gardens include pollinator patches:

  • Learning Garden (UCU, Leblanc sites)
  • Community Garden (King Edward site)

Web site
2019 update