Pollinator superheroes
Written on: May 6th, 2019text by Sandy Garland, photos by Edgar R. Hernandez The City of Ottawa’s first Wildlife Speaker event of the season was a big success. WPP brought a display ...
Our first colloquium
Written on: April 5th, 2019by Sandy Garland The WPP is just over 2 years old and growing rapidly. This winter we asked members to fill in a short survey so that we could get a better idea of ...
Another good reason to hold back on “cleaning up” the garden
Written on: March 28th, 2019by Renate Sander-Regier With spring in the air, and snow and ice in full retreat, the temptation can be strong to get out there and “clean up” the jumbled leaves, ...
Our annual report for 2018-19
Written on: March 20th, 2019by Renate Sander-Regier and Sandy Garland Because we receive funding from OPIRG (Ontario Public Interest Research Group), we submit an annual report to this group ...
Procedures and suggestions for establishing a waystation in a city park
Written on: January 29th, 2019by Mary Ash Do this with a partner; it is way too complicated and time consuming to do on your own. Choose a park near your residence! Organize your information into ...
The artist behind our new logo
Written on: January 9th, 2019by Josée Dupras I’m Josée Dupras and I’m in environmental studies at the University of Ottawa. As part of my courses, I signed up for a placement to help ...