Leave the leaves
Written on: September 3rd, 2023by Sandy Garland Every year, I put the Xerces poster on my Facebook page and exhort my friends and neighbours to “leave the leaves.” And every year I see ...
Less is more: spring pollinator garden clean-up
Written on: April 25th, 2023By Berit Erickson of The Corner Pollinator Garden and Wildlife Habitat blog As the weather warms up, we’re all itching to get outside to work in the garden. ...
Cavity nesters: who are they and what are they doing now
Written on: November 7th, 2021by Lydia Wong This post is an excerpt from updates sent to those following Lydia’s research project on the effects of urban warming on cavity-nesting insects. If ...
Where do pollinators go in winter?
Written on: March 18th, 2018by Renate Sander-Regier On this late-winter morning, with snowflakes swirling outside the window, thoughts turn to the bees, flies, moths, beetles, and butterflies ...
Putting the garden to bed – while helping pollinators
Written on: December 12th, 2017by Renate Sander-Regier During the fall season, many of us are busy putting our gardens to bed for the winter. We often follow the gardening traditions we grew up ...
Bee boxes: practical tips and local experience
Written on: December 8th, 2017by Sandy Garland Providing nesting sites for bees involves more than just drilling holes in a piece of wood, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here is some ...