Where do bees live?
Written on: June 3rd, 2023By Nora Lee A bee is buzzing (or quietly zooming) around in the garden. We take its presence for granted. It appears in the periphery of our vision or we may pause ...
Cavity nesters: leafcutter bees
Written on: January 8th, 2022By Lydia Wong This post is an excerpt from updates sent to those following Lydia’s research project on the effects of urban warming on cavity-nesting insects. If ...
Cavity nesters: who are they and what are they doing now
Written on: November 7th, 2021by Lydia Wong This post is an excerpt from updates sent to those following Lydia’s research project on the effects of urban warming on cavity-nesting insects. If ...
Down to the nitty gritty: creating the Churchill Alternative School butterfly garden
Written on: February 22nd, 2020by Berit Erickson Once I had created a successful pollinator garden of my own [see Berit’s Corner Pollinator Garden], I began to see prime locations for ...
Leafcutters in the Corner Pollinator Garden
Written on: July 15th, 2019by Sandy Garland While some of us are looking in vain for bees in our backyards – because of the slow start to spring – Berit Erickson writes about the ...
Plant it and they will come: my corner pollinator garden
Written on: November 27th, 2018by Berit Erickson I’m not exaggerating when I say that my pollinator garden has changed my life. How can a garden possibly do that? Well, let me tell you… ...